Birthday greetings girl colleague 

We were fortunate to work with you,
It really happened that fate has brought!
You are a good friend and a best friend,
We have never not disappoint!
With you in life so easy and simple,
Hard at work, to argue the case!
I wish that everything in life has turned
And you're happy to be!
Author: Irina Rina

We are working side by side with you;
Shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest,
Wish you a birthday
Be your best on all counts!
I wish the luster and shine,
Success, stars and prosperity,
Warbles unearthly love,
Happy scenes and works awesome!
Author: Victoria Tsukanova

Happy birthday congratulations
Let it bring good luck,
Happiness, joy and love,
The festive mood!
Let the lucky
Always, in all things, love, work.
Colleagues, it was my toast
So why do not you drink?
Author: Tatyana Belyaeva

This adorable you,
This krasotulya you
What I sometimes get scared
For any kind of your dreams!
Fighting with each other (for once!)
I wrote you as a friend,
But it is very unfortunate that we are colleagues!
It's unfortunate that we can not be with you,
That you have a belief -
It is not clear positive or negative ...
Well, Happy Birthday!
Still haunted by thoughts ...
Author: Alexey Reznikov

Colleague, happy birthday!
Triumph's time has come!
Come without delay
Get up on the podium!
You - the first in the work,
You - the best of us!
Always at work, and in care.
Always be - awesome!
Author: Olga Amanatova

Work will argue always,
Kohl next wonderful creation of beauty!
I wish to happily ever
Was you, and so that every desire
Come to pass immediately and without delay.
I hasten to congratulate you on his birthday,
Love, luck, happiness, wish
And that in the sorrows of life is not to know!
Author: Natalia Sukhomlin

You and I are working together on
To spend more time,
Than at home,
Because you are so dear to me.
We are each other without words mean,
Or deed or look not offended.
Let it be for many, many years,
This fellow in the whole world no.
Author: Tatyana Zakharova

We congratulate you on birthday
And we wish to work aspirations.
We promise to help everyone,
And wage with you guzzle.

You're beautiful, smart, and air,
On the day we all bored with you.
We wish you luck in life to find
With the guiding light and success go.

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