Congratulations on the Easter Christ 


You, the wine from the chalice Sing!
We will fill the soul song
Seeing the miracle of miracles:
Sky, sun, day, and happiness.
And acceleration all the bad weather
Solemn voice: Easter!
Will, Faith, Power of the Spirit
We were now stretched hands.
And hope, and love.
Lest we forget
And "He is Risen!" we shouted
In Bright holiday again and again!


Laughter distant ringing, children.
He left us a legacy
So much faith and love!
And now the cry: He is Risen!
And the soul, as if the song
Pours, just call me.
From door to door
Only light road
Fortunately only a way of life.
We are grateful for the grace
And for the miracle that was opened.
You do not forget about it.


Congratulations on what to say -
Life again became bright tale:
On Easter Sunday, in-law,
With great and wonderful Easter!
It's been a great post,
And with it - sadness, longing and passion ...
For the return of life - toast!
Yes we will - in good health and happiness!
And yes ... tell us the resurrected God
One - for him - of thousands of roads!


Truly Risen! Christ is risen! Giving us hope!
And our faith is only on the fact
That He is risen! Shines as before!
Radiance that will let everyone in the house!
The fire of love, love, unforgiving,
Love that gives us a new life!
And let it burn burning bush!
Our Lord was, He is and He is coming!
With bright and happy Easter!


Tell the birds, the river and the forest:
Today is a holiday! Christ is Risen!
Song rushes up to the heavens:
Blessed holiday! Christ is Risen!
We are shining stars, the darkness disappears.
Today is a holiday! Christ is Risen!
More wonderful stories and all the miracles
Blessed holiday! Christ is Risen!


Easter, Passover, the holiday that!
Everywhere signs of joy.
Happiness shines in the eyes.
The sun is shining in the sky.
Singing rang.
Sunshine and laughter of the child.
And I have a heart
Hymns bright rings.
And from one end to the
Happiness of which we know.
Easter! Easter! Guest heaven!
All cry: Christ is risen!


A. Maikov

Everywhere bells buzzing
Of all the churches of people go.
Dawn is looking down from heaven ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
From the fields already cleared of snow cover,
And the rush of the river from the shackles,
And the green near the forest ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Here wakes land
And dress up field
Spring is full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


Easter - is the outcome of slavery,
resurrection and the Spirit of God.
It is a joy to which people
and struggled hard and dull.
It is the light that outputs from the darkness,
of the errors and flour ugliness
without dying minds
transgressions in reach bestiality.
God's voice calling through time
of wandering and confusion to rise ...
Easter - is the outcome of slavery,
this brotherhood of faith and conscience.

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