Easter greetings to parents 


A great day, a great holiday,
Christ is risen - sounds everywhere.
I have this joy and hope
Share with you in life again!
I want to congratulate you
With the resurrection of Christ!
Let it bring you happiness
Pointing the way to the success of the new!


Scent in the air
Lush cakes, spring and happiness.
And I congratulate you very happy
Happy Easter, let pass by all the bad weather!
The resurrection of Christ is
All hope, joy and love!
Let them live in your hearts,
Let it sing for joy again.


Ringing crimson above the ground,
Praise all the bells of Christ.
He has risen, he is alive again,
At Calvary deposition.
Happy Easter, the day of hope and light,
I love you, dear, congratulations.
In Christ you will find all the answers,
That's what you and I want.


On the Resurrection of Christ
I wish the light and joy,
I wish happiness!
Spring again swallow
Dance of colors.
Happy Easter, by her side no
Places evil and misery!


Happy Easter,
With spring and hope,
With green leaves
And fresh grass!
And let them fly
To the blue skies.
Two great words -
Christ is Risen!


Today is a special day has come,
Today after Resurrection of Christ!
So much fun Easter day promises,
So may the Lord will touch every blessing.
Let joy be full of heart,
To let the people prevails only emotion,
For the kindness and benevolence of our Creator,
Everyone was so grateful, and ask for forgiveness for their sins.

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