sms greetings on the anniversary of 45 years 


You have good round today. Therefore, I congratulate you. That you can wish for in a 45? I do not know, but I'll try to say. I wish you health, I wish you to be strong and confident.


You need strength today to mark the anniversary. You now 45, is not so little have the strength to mark the event pass. Tonight gulnem, well, so far - to your day!


I really want you to congratulate the anniversary. And I wish you all that you would like to receive. Health? Let there be two cars. The car? Let it be you have a lot of them. Of everything is much more than what you would like to have.


I congratulate you. You with all my heart I wish that you just blossomed and took the best from life. Though you and 45, but looks 25.


I congratulate you on the anniversary. I wish you many days. I wish you good health, that you were on top. I want to wish a lot of things, but personally, it's better to have all the say.


Forty-five! About the berries will not, right! After all, your age - it's flowers! Berries come. And anyway, we're not like nerds. Drink!


Forty-five people - as the forty-fifth caliber gun: a long trunk powerful, high-quality optics, many attendants ... Congratulations artillery date!


Sorokapyatiletie - dress rehearsal before the fiftieth birthday. Just do not get too much to get used to the role - live as it is. Happy Birthday!


Congratulations on an interesting date. I wish to pay less attention to date and more - for yourself, your favorite. Then no one would dare to name the date uninteresting.


Do not call this date anniversary - for this date is too great honor too. And that in fact we will not spare you then - take and congratulates the forty-six!

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