Happy New Year and Merry Christmas 


Get up and go
In the town of Bethlehem;
Soul delight
And say to all:
"Christ came to the people,
Saviour came into the world!
And peace on earth!
Where the rest
Wordless creature
In a manger rests
The king of the world! "


Even the stars do not go out,
Another dawn shining one
That lit up the world nursery
Newborn Christ -
Then, guided by a star,
A stranger to provocation rumors,
Reverently crowd
Magicians flocked to Christ -
Came from the Far East,
Bearing gifts with delight dreams
And he was from Herod's eye
Saved majesty Christ -
Centuries have passed ... And He was crucified,
But everything is still alive
Goes as a herald of the truth,
In our secular pasture;
Is still abundant
Sacred, truth and goodness,
Not Herod shall fight strong
His treacherous sword ...


On the day of Christ's birth
Returned to the world beauty.
January's ice
Radiance pours.
January's crust
The gulf will not.
January snow
Dressy all:
Happy flashing and color
And it shines in the moonlight.
And each of January days
Slightly, but the former long.
And so it is suitable for banquets
And meetings - any other night.


There are countries where people are not aware of the century
No blizzards, no loose snow;
There's only Neta snow sparkle
Tops granite ridges ...
Fragrant flowers there, the stars - bigger
Lighter and elegant spring
And there brighter feathers of birds, and the warmth
There breathing aqua ...
In such a country, fragrant at night
With whisper laurels and roses
Welcome miracle happened firsthand
The baby was born - Christ.


Around Christmas haze.
Buzzing in the darkness the bell
And with them in harmony
Words are:
"Peace on earth and good luck to all!"
I felt that day,
Life of the cities and villages
Combining sounds the call:
"Peace on earth and good luck to all!"


Christmas Night
How quiet the night ... transparent as it is!
Inspiring look heaven
And in the arms of a deep winter sleep
Expectation breathing wood ...
In this quiet night bezzakatnoy star
In the dark abyss of the lost years
Fired up for the first time on this sinful earth
Christianity divine light
On this night, smiling baby-Christ
With the endless love, affection
People - brothers, tired from crying,
Drowning in sin and in the blood ...
On this night, light-winged celestial guests
If she was singing in the distance ...
And the radiant stars shine brighter
Snow over cold ground ...


My dear man,
Merry Christmas!
Let your world and let your eyelids
Will not unkindly,
God's grace will rush
In soul and breath,
To not know and do not meet
Pain and suffering.
Clear days you and milestones
And new discoveries!
My dear man,
Merry Christmas!


O Thou, infinite space,
Live in the motion of matter,
The passage of time eternal,
Without those three persons in the Godhead!
Spirit who is everywhere and a single,
Who has no place and the reasons
Whom no one could understand,
Who are themselves filled,
Embraces rests, preserves,
What we call - God!
Those were the days of miracles,
Come true prophet;
Angels descended from heaven!
Star rolled off the east;
World of redemption expected -
And poor manger of Bethlehem,
Under the song of praise of Eden
Brave baby shone ...


Snowflakes in white waltz down from heaven,
And a blanket of snow covered himself sleepy forest.
Today, everywhere flowing magic
And it always happens at Christmas.

The mysterious tale shrouded land
Sleeping under a blanket of snow rivers and fields.
Today you quietly Make a Desire,
Keep it at heart and often repeated.

Indeed, in this wonderful evening crisp beauty
Accomplishes all of the most cherished dreams!
Author: Alain Kachurina


Feast of the Holy, Orthodox
We met in the world, with the good.
Because it is important for us -
We heart with Christ!
Family holiday note
With the Christmas tree, a warm home.
Let this be the day is bright!
All of you, my friends, Merry Christmas!

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