sms greetings with the 18th anniversary 


Today is your age? Now, you can already buy beer. But do not overdo it hard! You do still live and live! Congratulations, druzhban!


I congratulate you with 18 years. I wish you to be as happy smile to your face does not come out. I wish you achieve in life, many loyal friends and happily married!


I love you happy birthday to congratulate want. After all, today is not just a holiday. Today, you, my dear son, who played 18. I wish you a healthy increase. To be beautiful, strong and powerful. I wish you to find your own way of life.


I congratulate you on your 18th birthday with want. I wish you as many want. And health and happiness, and true friends. And the girls more, be always more fun!


You and I wish to congratulate the legal age. I want to be open, honest and beautiful. I want in life you grief was not enough, want happiness you had pockets.


Cool! Now you can independently purchase tobacco, no problem to marry and bear full responsibility if things do not! Let the same in your life will be tiki-so!


Today, my friend, finally coming to an end your childhood. Do not be sorry - you'll get a promising and attractive adult life! And even if everything in your life will be an adult!


Lucky you - now you can go to the movies for evening sessions, open bank accounts, and much more interesting. I hope this does not hurt you to stay in the same classroom as before.


My dear friend of age! To congratulate you with the coming of military age, and looking forward to the assembly point at a known you. Now it's your Commissar Suvorov.


Congratulations! And officially warn that evening necessarily gently kiss you at all. And if you want more - happy to repeat. Now-is nothing to fear!

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