Congratulations Mother friend 

My dear mother,
I Mother's Day, I congratulate you,
And I wish happiness, loving,
Health, I too wish.
You, Mom, support always
Can you help me in deed and word,
Please do not be sad ever!
Do anything for you I'm ready!
Author: Maria Soldatov

To you, the best in the world,
To you, love is not tired,
Mother's Day, many children
Managed to come to forget;
But still so stubbornly
You pull to the children of her ...
On Mother's Day, my dear mother!
We all adore you!
Author: Alexey Reznikov

Favorite, good home
Mother's Day that you want?
I hope to always be with you,
To preserve the peace and quiet.
Mom, live a hundred years,
Health so it was full,
And just so there was no trouble,
A wave just luck!
Author: Natalia Sukhomlin

You're the best mom in the world,
And even on the whole planet,
Can not find women of good,
Prettier and wiser.
You taught me to walk,
To love, to create, to live.
Now let all your dreams come true,
You deserve the best.
Author: Aunt Zhmurko

Happy mother you, dear,
I can not convey these feelings,
I congratulate you today,
I do not get tired of praise!
Let God reward you,
For life, care and diligence,
Let the child grow smart,
Let wishes come true!
Author: Victoria Tsukanova

There is no word more beautiful, more good than "mother."
No sweeter words - "I love you."
And one that will hear "I love you, Mom"
Understand my feelings storm.

Today in love confess aspirated,
You my dear.
And though not openly my confession,
You know I love you.
Author: Natalia Liashenko

Nothing is more expensive and more familiar
In this world and the world
What a cute mom my hands,
We work for you, and adults - like children!
Mother's Day accept, my dear,
Bouquet of flowers, chocolates and a handkerchief.
Thank you, you dear, for all
For you today sonnets.
Author: Tatyana Belyaeva

Happy mother's congratulations
Tenderness of your hands I recall.
Many times you repeat,
How I love you and thank you.
Mommy, Mommy, a short phrase
It is impossible to convey love.
In the song the only hint of life
Especially since you hear "mother."

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